
A simple Question from a 5yr old Tricia

Being a single parent is never easy and can never be in black and white picture where everything seems simple. You hold 2 responsibilities roled into 1. In the begining, you tend to cope up with things going on like how to take care of an infant and work at the same time. Then you get sucked in by the small moments and you just suddenly realized, your child just turned 1 yr.

I just met recently a five year old beautiful, lovely and innocent little girl named Tricia. A child at her age is full of questions. To my amzement, her questions were not ordinary annoying questions of a child. Her questions were meaningful and relates to life ... her known life and world. She asked me a question that I know would be asked by my son in the future that I never put much thought for now since he is still young, he just turned 1yr old... "Where is my son's dad, where is he now?". Tricia helped me realized how to answer this question when the time comes ... answer this question honestly and directly. The time has come to face reality and we must move forward with positive thoughts and attitude. Always look at the silver lining as tomorrow brings another new day.

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